Protecting Your Feet Wearing High Heels

Wednesday, 07 August 2013 15:49

Protecting Your Feet Wearing High Heels

Women love their high heels, but what good is wearing the heels if later in the evening you are going to kick them off?  Many of today's high heels are designed with high platforms and unique wedge heel designs.

A survey conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association showed some 42% of women admitted they would wear a shoe they liked even if it gave them discomfort; 73% admitted already having a shoe-related foot issue.

Your shoes should conform to the shape of your foot - feet should never conform to the shape of your shoes.  So what are some ways to protect and get the best fit possible for our feet in high heels?

First, get a snug, but not tight fit when selecting high heels.  Preferably look for narrow heels.  Stay away from heels that allow your feet to slide to the front, leaving a big gap behind your heel.  Sliding forward can create more pressure and pain on the toes.

Second, cushion up your heels especially if you know you will be standing for long periods of time.  Investing in prescription orthotics can help control pain.

Third, wear a thicker heel for stability.  A platform or thicker heel provides you with better balance and distributes the weight on your foot evenly.  Also, alternating between heel heights can prevent having problems with Achilles tendon.

Fourth, try to select a heel that is easy on your arch and might help relieve pain in the ball of the foot.  Some 4" heels have a straight drop down to the flatbed portion of the shoe.  You will want to look for a more gradual "slope or pitch" of the heel.

Fifth, wearing open-toe high heels helps relieve pressure on inflamed areas such as corns and calluses.  Make sure to see a podiatrist to have corns and calluses professionally removed.


So if high heels are an absolute must, it is best to wear them sparingly and follow the tips provided to prevent repetitive stress on your feet.

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