Dr. Timothy Young, A Board Certified Foot Surgeon, Discusses Postsurgical Scar Formation and Supplements

Dr. Timothy Young, A Board Certified Foot Surgeon, Discusses Postsurgical Scar Formation and Supplements

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Dr. Timothy Young
, A Board Certified Foot Surgeon, discusses postsurgical scar formation and supplements.  
There is always scar tissue formation after foot surgery.  The obvious scar formation is the skin incision.  But the scar extends all the way deep to the entire surgical area that was treated with surgery.  For example, with bunion surgery the capsule of the great toe joint has to be incised to access the joint and the bony prominence and also allow for any bone work or osteotomy.  After the deep bone work is complete the capsule is sutured back together and has to heal.  But the capsule may scar down tightly and limit post surgical range of motion.  

In addition after bone is resected bone often has excellent blood flow and there can be a blood clot or hematoma on the surface of the bone, deep within the wound.  This can be resorbed by the body and also can eventually convert to scar tissue and again cause ongoing swelling or stiffness to the surgical site.  Two supplements may be helpful for this.  One is nattokinase and the other is serrapeptase.  Both of these supplements should be taken 30 minutes before food for best absorption.  The nattokinase can be taken once a day and this serrapeptase can be taken twice a day.  Talk to your surgeon or naturopath to further discuss the role of these supplements with your particular situation.

If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 
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