Dr. Timothy Young, a Board-Certified Foot Surgeon Discusses Digital Foot Surgery.

Dr. Timothy Young, a Board-Certified Foot Surgeon Discusses Digital Foot Surgery.


Dr. Timothy Young
, a Board-Certified Foot Surgeon Discusses Digital Foot Surgery.

Sometimes during toe surgery, a pin will stick out the end of the toe.  And other times, the pin will be buried or covered with skin. As we've discussed previously, it is common to use a K wire or pin during hammertoe surgery or other digital foot surgery. Often times the pin will stick out of the tip of the toe and be visible. When this is done it is very easy when the time is appropriate, for your surgeon to remove the K wire without making an incision in your toe. The advantage to having the K wire covered with skin or buried is that there is no direct pathway for bacteria to travel from the pin into the toe.

Therefore it is okay once you incision has healed to get your foot wet with the buried K wire, but that is not possible when it sticks out of the toe. Also the K wire can be left in this buried position for a longer period of time without pin track irritation or infection. The disadvantage of a buried K wire is that removal will require a minor procedure to remove the pin. Sometimes because there is such a thin fat pad at the tip of the toe, it's difficult to get enough tissue or skin to properly.

If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, please give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
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