Dr. Brandon Nelson, Board-Certified Foot and Ankle Physician and Surgeon, Discusses Outcomes for Bunion Surgery

Dr. Brandon Nelson, Board-Certified Foot and Ankle Physician and Surgeon, Discusses Outcomes for Bunion Surgery

austin bunionectomy

Bunion surgery
continues to be the most common foot and ankle surgery performed and there are many different procedures available. Not all of the procedures have equal outcomes.  The most common bunionectomy performed in the United States continues to be what is called an Austin bunionectomy or a head procedure.  This type of procedure is primarily used to correct mild to moderate bunions.  This procedure has great outcomes, as patients do well ambulatorily postoperatively.  Most patients will be back to activities fairly quickly and long-term results are good as long as there are no other foot deformities.  This type of bunion procedure is fairly straightforward and can be performed in 30-45 minutes.  Postoperative protocol is easy and pain level is generally mildly and well controlled with oral medications.

The second most common type of bunionectomies are for severe bunions or people with foot instability.  These procedures usually involve more in depth bunionectomy or stability type procedures.  The most common bunionectomy for this is what is called a Lapidus bunionectomy.  This procedure involves fusion of bones on the inside of the foot and provides great correction and increased stability for the foot itself.  This procedure can often involve a period of nonweightbearing or modified weightbearing and usually takes longer to heal from within the previously discusses bunion.  However it should be noted the recurrence rate with this type of bunionectomy is much less and the long-term outcomes are are great.  Again, it is important to address other foot structure issues as these can have effect on long-term results.

If you’re suffering from a bunion or foot pain, an evaluation is essential.  Call the office at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today so I can help.


Dr. Brandon Nelson

Board-Certified Foot and Ankle Physician and Surgeon

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