Dr. Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Bunion Expert, Discusses Which Bunion Surgery Is The Most Successful

Dr. Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Bunion Expert, Discusses Which Bunion Surgery Is The Most Successful

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Bunion surgery
is one of the most common procedures that I perform. I see patients from all over the Northwest that come to have surgery at our office. Our onsite surgery center makes it convenient and provides a huge cost savings as compared to a hospital or free-standing surgery center. We provide sedation and a nerve block that makes the surgery completely pain free and comfortable.

Bunion surgery itself is a successful surgery. There are a few factors that need to be addressed before surgery. A complete foot exam, gait analysis, and x-ray usually provide all the vital information that is needed. Once I have all these factors it is easy to make a recommendation of what procedure would provide the best outcome.

Bunion surgery can really be broken down into two types. The first what is called a head procedure, this is the most common bunion to date. The second type is what is called a base procedure. Often the head procedure or Austin bunionectomy is utilized for small to medium bunions that have no sign of foot collapse. This surgery is done by cutting the head of the metatarsal and shifting it towards the outside of the foot. The bone is usually help in place with a screw or a pin.

The second type of bunionectomy the base procedures can be broken down to what is called an osteotomy or fusion. The osteotomy is where you remove a wedge of bone to correct the deformity. This procedure can be used for large bunions with no foot instability. The other type of bunionectomy, the fusion or Lapidus as it is called provides significant stability to the foot. This procedure is phenomenally successful and provides great improvement to the overall function of the foot. If you are suffering from a bunion, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment today and together we can come up with a long term plan that provides the best out come for you lifestyle.

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