Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Foot & Ankle Physician & Surgeon, Discusses Achilles Tendon Pain

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Foot & Ankle Physician & Surgeon, Discusses Achilles Tendon Pain


If you are an athlete at some point you have probably experienced Achilles tendon pain.  Most people will have this type of ankle pathology after starting a new program or ramping up their current workout schedule.  I personally have dealt with some insertional Achilles tendon pain and will give some insight as to what can be done to get you back to full speed.

It is important to know that the Achilles tendon is the biggest, thickest and strongest tendon in the human body.  It has more pressure per square inch than any other tendon and is constantly under load and tension.  Every time you step the Achilles tendon fires so it rarely has an opportunity to relax.  This is the primary reason it is common to have tendonitis in this location.

Other factors contributing to this can be related to training issues or foot structure issues.  Training issues are usually related to plunging into new techniques or training to hard.  It is important to build up to new levels and allow adequate recovery to prevent tendonitis.  I also am a big proponent of stretching and icing as this can speed recovery.  Foot structure or anatomical design can also have a role in this pathology.  Oftentimes patients will have a tight calf that they were born with.  It is important to establish a stretching protocol that encourages at a minimum of 3 times a day.  Other foot structures that cause Achilles issues are high arched feet or the cavus foot.  These type of feet tend to overload the Achilles. 

If you are suffering from Achilles tendon pain I can help get you back to full speed.  Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online


Dr Brandon Nelson

Board Certified Foot & Ankle Physician and Surgeon

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