Dr Brandon Nelson, Discusses the Lapiplasty Procedure for The Best Possible Correction of a Bunion

Dr Brandon Nelson, Discusses the Lapiplasty Procedure for The Best Possible Correction of a Bunion

Dr Brandon Nelson, Discusses the Lapiplasty Procedure for The Best Possible Correction of a Bunion

Bunions can be quite painful for people especially as they get larger and make it difficult to fit in shoes.  Bunions tend to get bigger as time goes on and eventually push the other toes out of alignment.  But what can be done to stop the bunion or even slow it down?

Many people want to know what can be done from a conservative standpoint to slow a bunion.  I have seen all sorts of devices to pull the toes around to try and straighten a bunion.  But, it should be known that the bunion is a bony pathology that is related to a change in position of the bone.  This makes it impossible to apply something to the outside of the foot to fix a bone on the inside.  However, there are a few things that can slow down a bunion.  Most important is to understand a bunion gets larger the more pressure that is exerted on it. 

Meaning the more you walk the bigger the bunion gets.  This is where conservative therapy begins.  The best now measure to intervene here is a prescription orthotic for bunion correction.  I am not talking about an insert from a shoe store or online this must be done by a physician.  This is a prescription medical device where biomechanical measurements and 3-D measurements of the foot are taken.  The good news about this is most insurances cover this device as long as it is prescribed by your foot and ankle physician. 

Surgical correction is the ultimate stop gate to the bunion getting bigger.  There are many options for surgical correction but the one moving to the forefront of medicine today is the Lapiplasty.  This procedure is based upon the Lapidus which has been utilized for almost 100 years.  This is a tried and true method for getting amazing bunion correction and providing lasting results.  If you have a bunion I can help.  Give me a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.


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