plantar warts bellevue

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Dr. Timothy Young, a board-certified foot surgeon, discusses the latest treatment for painful plantar warts.
Plantar verruca or plantar warts are one of the more common problems that we see at our clinic.  The are a number of different treatments for plantar warts. This ranges from some home treatments and home remedies to more consistent medical procedures.  Some of the more common medical treatments would be topical freezing or liquid nitrogen, Cantharone treatment  (beetle juice) and surgical removal.  

Our clinic has acquired a Swift laser device specifically for persistent plantar  verruca.  We have over 12 months experience with this and has been very effective for verruca treatment.  This is one of the fastest treatments and does not require injections or surgery.  There is no open wound.  Typical treatments are done at 3–4 week intervals.  Now that we have this treatment option it is rare to need more aggressive treatment such as surgical excision.  We do have one more treatment option at our clinic and that is bleomycin injections.  Plantar warts have their own blood supply through a process called angioneogenesis.  The bleomycin targets the additional vascular network that verruca have and therefore the verruca are not able to continue being viable and a blood blister forms and the verruca resolves.  If you have are resistant plantar wart please let us know.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 
Plantar Wart - Wikipedia

Warts can be very unsightly especially when on top of the forefoot or the toes. It often times may get hard to wear sandals or flip flops during the summer. Quite a few people come in to have these removed. Often times they have seen other physicians that have been unsuccessful. Plantar warts are caused by human papilloma virus and can be a challenge to both physicians and patients alike. There are many different modalities to get rid of warts - it depends on the location and the size and the number.

We recommend having an evaluation to make sure the lesion is a wart before proceeding with treatment options. Treatment options run the gamut of topical medications to lasers and even injection therapy. Our success today with treating warts can oftentimes be close to 100% after just a few treatments. The majority of treatments for plantar verrucae is a relatively pain free and highly successful. If you suffer from warts and have tried multiple different treatment options contact our clinic today.

Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
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