bunion surgery

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Wednesday, 26 April 2023 17:36

Dr Timothy Young Discusses Bunion Surgeries 

Bunion xray

Dr Timothy Young Discusses Bunion Surgeries in Detail, Part 1

Bunion surgery is a common procedure performed by Dr Timothy Young and other Foot Surgeons to correct 
a bunion deformity. A bunion is usually combination of the first metatarsal being out of alignment and bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. This can cause pain and discomfort when walking or wearing shoes. The bunion correction surgery itself usually takes 1-2 hours. The surgeon’s preparation for bunion surgery requires planning ahead and, requires attention to detail. In this blog, we will go over the steps that Dr. Young and other foot surgeons take to prepare for the best bunion treatment and the best bunion surgery

Patient Evaluation 

Before any bunion surgery, Dr. Young will evaluate the patient's medical history, medications, and overall health to make sure that our patients are good surgical candidates. Dr. Young will also examine the patient's foot to determine the severity of the bunion, the extent of the deformity, and the type of bunion surgery that would be most appropriate. For example, some patients have a severe bunion deformity and require a Lapidus or Lapiplasty procedure. Some patients have extreme adaptation of the great toe joint and require a procedure that realigns the joint. Some bunions are mild and yet the joint is not flexible and for this, decompressing the joint is an effective treatment. These evaluations come from both physically examining the foot, and imaging evaluation.

Imaging Tests 

The surgeon will typically order imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans to get a better understanding of the bunion’s structure and position. This information will help the surgeon plan the surgery and determine the best approach to correcting the deformity. Dr. Young uses digital x-rays which allow for precise measurements and preoperative planning that can be done right on the computer. 

Anesthesia Planning 

Dr. Young will discuss the anesthesia options before surgery. Dr. Young often utilizes local anesthetic combined with MAC anesthesia (monitored anesthesia with conscious sedation). Other options include general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, or local anesthesia. The type of anesthesia can be discussed prior to surgery and will depend upon the patient's medical history and the type of foot surgery and the extent of bunion surgery. With MAC anesthesia combined with local anesthetic, the patient is still conscious and breathing on their own (not intubated). This is more like a twilight sleep and the patient's recovery extremely fast, and we can avoid the typical side effects that can be encountered with the general anesthetic.

The preoperative visit: 

Dr. Young's patients come in the week prior to surgery to help them prepare for surgery. We will discuss details of the surgery itself and how to care for the foot after bunion surgery and if crutches or a special boot will be required. Also, the patient's medical history and medications are reviewed. Some medications will be avoided prior to surgery. Usually, the patient will be required to fast prior to surgery and need to make driving arrangements after the procedure. Our patients are given a special antibacterial scrub to do at home prior to surgery.  

If you are experiencing foor or ankle pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 

austin bunionectomy

Bunions are primarily a genetic foot structure that is inherited from mom or dad.  We see that it can skip generations as well.  There seems to be a misconception that the bunion is just a growth on the side of the foot.  However, this is not true.  The bunion is a misalignment of the first metatarsal.  It occurs when the first metatarsal separates or begins to deviate from the second metatarsal towards the other foot.  This in turn causes the big toe to deviate or point towards the second digit.  The growth or bump that one sees is the first metatarsal pointing out of the joint.  This concept is important to understand as it will make sense when I discuss bunion correction. 

Bunion correction refers to removal or reversal of the bunion.  Well now that you understand it is a deviation, more correctly a progressive deviation of the first metatarsal, you can see why certain things will not correct a bunion.  I have seen all sorts of strapping, taping and splinting techniques to correct a bunion.  Now that it is clear this is a movement of a bone you can clearly see why none of this works.  It is not possible to move the first metatarsal back into place once it has deviated via any sort of appliance or device you apply to the outside of the foot.  Once the bone has moved the only option to correct the bunion is surgical. 

Surgical correction of the bunion is the only way to reverse this misalignment.  This is the only avenue we have to bring the big toe back into the correct orientation.  There are many different techniques based on the size of the bunion and the rest of the foot structure.  If you have a bunion and need help please schedule an appointment. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.


Dr Brandon Nelson

Bunion xray

There are a few things patients can do to heal faster from bunion surgery.  I will review some ideas that patients can utilize that may decrease healing time frames.  Most importantly one must follow the postoperative course as directed by your surgeon.  It is important to realize that 2 things need to heal following surgery: soft tissues and bone.

Soft tissues consist of skin, subcutaneous tissues and capsular tissue around the joint.  These structures are primarily sutured closed and will typically have sutures in for 10-14 days depending on the site.  There are a few supplements that can help to improve healing.  I like to have my patients take collagen and zinc and hydrate as these can influence skin healing.  Once the wound is closed I encourage the use of silicone and moisturization of the wound.   Additionally it is important to start the range of motion of the toe to free up and adhesions.

Bone is the other structure that must heal after bunion surgery.  Usually, a bone cut, or fusion is performed.  This is dependent on the procedure but there are a few things you can do to speed bone healing.    The first being additional calcium and other bone healing nutrients.  I like to have my patients take a bone healing supplement and increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables.  Additionally, if a bone stimulator is available this can be helpful. 

Regardless of the bunion procedure these tips can be helpful in your recovery process.  Take care and wish you a speedy recovery. If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online

Dr. Brandon Nelson

Bunion xray

There are many different types of bunion surgeries.  The majority that are performed currently can be divided into two types.  The first being a procedure at the head of the first metatarsal and the second at the base of the first metatarsal.  The recovery and healing time frames vary according to which procedure a patient has.

Head procedures or an Austin type bunionectomy is the most common bunion surgery in the United States.  I believe this represents something like 70% of all bunion surgeries.  These procedures are much faster to heal and typically a patient can bear weight the entire postoperative course.  The typical patient can be back in a shoe at about 6 weeks and return to full activities about 3 months. 

Base procedures or a Lapidus type or Lapiplasty often requires longer to heal.  Additionally there is variation among weight bearing with these cases.  Some doctors will allow immediate weight bearing and some will require 6-8 weeks of non-weight bearing.  Again, most people can return to activities about 3 months and into a normal shoe around this time as well.

Things that can improve bunion healing are diet, supplements and bone stimulators.  From a dietary standpoint it is important to incorporate lots of green leafy vegetables during the postoperative phase.  Supplements can play a role in healing as well.  One of my favorites is called ProBono.  This product provides all the minerals and nutrients for bone healing and helps to reduce time to heal.  Bone stimulators can be applied to stimulate bone growth.  These are harder to come by and often insurers will not approve these devices unless you have significant comorbidities.  If you have a bunion and would like to have it fixed and have the least amount of down time I can help. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 

Bunion xray

Bunion surgery
for me is a very exciting procedure to perform.  I really enjoy fixing a large bunion and seeing the satisfaction on a patient's face.  Bunions can be debilitating and really interfere with life.  They make activities painful and are frustrating when buying shoe gear.  I have now been fixing bunions for 15 years and have truly begun to love the Lapiplasty.

The Lapiplasty is an exceptional procedure for patients that have large bunions.  It really has helped to create better outcomes and improved techniques for bunion repair.  The Lapiplasty is based on the Lapidus procedure first described by Dr. Paul Lapidus.  The procedure was popularized by Dr. Sigvard Hansen who was a local physician in Seattle.  Some of us had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Hansen and spending time with him.  He was truly an amazing physician that helped all of us foot and ankle surgeons.

If you are contemplating bunion surgery I would love to discuss your options with you.  It is important to get an x-ray and to see a surgeon that performs a lot of bunion procedures.  It is also convenient that at my practice we have an on-site surgery center.  Having our own surgery center is extremely valuable to patients as it is not affiliated with a hospital or an ASC and therefore saves each patient thousands of dollars in comparison to having it done at one of the above locations.  If you have a bunion I can help get you back to normal shoe gear and activities. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today


Dr. Brandon Nelson

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austin bunionectomy

Bunion surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States.  It is usually performed in an outpatient setting and no overnight stay is required.  The majority of bunion surgeries take less than 2 hours and have great long term outcomes.  The most common bunion surgery is an Austin bunionectomy as it is called. It has been utilized for almost 100 years and is a powerful tool in bunion correction. 

The Austin bunionectomy traditionally involved a cut in the 1st metatarsal head.  It was cut from medial to lateral in a chevron type fashion.  This allows for correction of the abnormally aligned joint and removal of the bunion.  It usually involves some sort of fixation to hold the bone in place like a screw or a pin.  Some surgeons require a period of non-weight bearing and typically 3 months before back to normal activities.`

I personally have performed this type of bunion surgery 1000’s of times.  I like to make a longer arm with my but on the bottom of the bone as opposed to a chevron style cut.  This allows for a more rigid fixation and faster recovery.  The typical patient can return to activities at 6 weeks. 

If you have a bunion that is causing pain and want to have minimal downtime give me a call and I can review all your options.  Remember I have an onsite surgery center that saves thousands as compared to having your procedure at a hospital or ASC.


Dr Brandon Nelson

austin bunionectomy

Bunion surgery
involves one of two things.  These are either cutting the bone and realigning the joint or realigning the joint and fusing bones together.  The two different procedures depend on a whole host of variables like size of deformity, quality of bone, activities levels and age of the patient.  Both of these types of procedures have excellent outcomes and are utilized extensively.  Healing from either of these two procedures can be increased by concentrating on healing soft tissue and bone.

Soft tissue i.e. skin healing is part of the recovery process after bunion surgery.  Incisions are required to access the boney correction and often soft tissue release.  There are often incisions in joint capsules, release of ligaments and even release of tendons.  Additionally, sometimes soft tissue balancing or plication of capsular tissues are required.  Regardless, there are things you can do to heal skin faster after surgery.  These include taking biotin, collagen and zine.  Supplements are important to ensure adequate nutritional support happens and the building blocks of soft tissue requires certain minerals, peptides and proteins.  A good diet and avoiding things like alcohol and Tobacco is important as well for both skin and bone healing. 

Bone healing also can be increased with dietary supplements.  I recommend Pro-bono for all my post-op patients.  This supplement is extremely powerful in healing bones and I often see recovery time decrease by 1-2 weeks.  Another tool that can be helpful is a bone stimulator.  These are devices that help the body produce bone.  Each device is a little different but they work by stimulating cells that produce bone.  These usually require a prescription from your doctor.  Lastly, make sure to follow your surgeon's advice.  If you have a bunion I would love to help you decrease your post-operative healing course!                            


Dr. Brandon Nelson

Bunion surgery has been performed for over 100 years.  There have been many adaptations and changes since the first bunion surgery.  There are now over 150 different techniques to address bunion deformities.  It should be noted the majority of these can be divided up by anatomical location.  We now classify bunion surgery as either a head procedure of a base procedure.  Head procedures refer to operating on the head of the first metatarsal (out towards the toes) and base at the base of the first metatarsal (or near the arch). 

The decision on which bunion procedure to utilize typically involves the size of the bunion and the underlying foot type.  Typically we see smaller bunions are amenable to head procedure and large base procedures.  However it should be noted that certain foot types will require base procedures for even small bunions.  The goal for bunion surgery is to have lasting results and reproducible results. 

I personally perform a lot of Lapiplasty type bunion surgeries.  I find these have great long term results and provide incredible corrections.  The recovery from the Lapiplasty is longer than a head procedure but the results can be much better.  If you suffer from a bunion and would like to have it fixed schedule and appointment today, I can help. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an apppointment online today. 

Sincerely,Dr. Brandon Nelson

Bunion xray

Bunion surgery is one of the most common procedures performed in the United States.  It is almost exclusively done in an outpatient setting and the majority of procedures can be completed in less than 2 hours.  Most patients will experience pain that lasts a few days and can begin weight bearing fairly soon.  There are many different types of bunion surgery and not all are equally effective. 

There are a few things that will help patients get a better outcome with bunion surgery.  I will discuss these tips that can be helpful along with selection of the surgeon.

#1. The most important thing after having any type of surgery is to follow postoperative protocol.  There are many tips that can improve your outcome after bunion surgery and careful adherence to postoperative protocols is essential.

#2. Bone healing supplementation, there are many different types of bone healing supplementation that are not all created equal however some of them can be highly effective in decreasing healing times.  I have a brand that I recommend for all my patients that often shaves weeks off of healing time.

#3. Couch potato for your first week, set yourself up for success.  During that first week just really take it easy, take your medications as prescribed, ice and elevate your foot.

#4. Surgeon selection, the majority of us have very similar training and most foot and ankle physicians are highly trained in this procedure.  One question I would ask any surgeon is how many bunion surgeries they perform annually.

I hope this is helpful and can be utilized by you in the future.


Dr. Brandon Nelson

austin bunionectomy

Bunion surgery continues to be one of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States.  In the United States approximately 150,000 are operated on annually.  The satisfaction and success rate are high, and most patients are happy with their outcomes.

It is important be well prepared for bunion surgery and I will discuss a few tips that will make the process easier.

1.     Make sure you are prepared before the day of surgery and have somebody to help for the first 24 hours

2.     Set up a central command, ie a bed downstairs that you have all your necessary items near.  Your medications, a bathroom, and some entertainment.

3.     Bathroom - you may want to investigate a booster seat for your toilet. It can be difficult if it is too low to stand up once seated.

4.     Shower, consider a shower chair or stool

5.     Cast cover of something to keep your leg dry

6.     Vitamin supplements, I like collagen and bone healing supplements

7.     Understand your post-operative course

8.     Icing - do not underestimate the importance of icing and elevation for the first 72 hours. 

9.     Exercise to prevent blood clot, ankle rotations, leg lifts.

I hope you find some of these tips helpful. If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online


Dr Brandon Nelson

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