What Does a Partial Matricectomy Look Like?

What Does a Partial Matricectomy Look Like?

This is one of the more common procedures that we do. Typically a patient will have a history of recurrent painful ingrown toenails. They may have had procedures done previously to help treat the problem but not permanently. The partial matricectomy involves removing a small ingrown border of the nail and then applying medication that "kills the root of the nail". The root of the nail is technically called the matrix or lunula. Therefore a partial matrixectomy would be partial permanent removal of the nail root.
Many of our patients especially are concerned about the cosmetic appearance of the toenail once the ingrown border is gone. Actually it is very difficult to even see this and be able to tell what side has been done permanently. Here is a photograph of a patient who had ingrown toenails removed (partial matricectomy procedures) from both the medial (inside) and lateral (outside borders) of the right great toenail and the medial or inside border of the left great toenail. See if you can tell the difference, most patients really can't tell the difference. Or they have to look very close to be able to tell the difference.
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If you have questions about these treatments please let us know. We treat problems like this daily. Sometimes we see and treat 5 or more patients with this procedure on a given day. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 
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