Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Surgeon, Discusses The Best Questions To Ask Your Surgeon Before Having Bunion Surgery

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Surgeon, Discusses The Best Questions To Ask Your Surgeon Before Having Bunion Surgery

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I try to let my patients know that I understand how scary or nervous it can feel to think about surgery. I think as surgeons sometimes we can forget that for us this is routine, however for the patient it can seem overwhelming. Bunion surgery itself is relatively straight forward and can provide great results. I have thought it could be helpful to have a few questions to ask your surgeon.

I think one of the most important questions to ask your surgeon is, “How many bunion surgeries you have done and how often you do them?”. I think most likely you are seeing a Podiatrist and we perform the most bunion surgeries out of any other specialty. I can tell you in residency alone I probably did over 500 and now into private practice for over 10 years I am sure the number is over 1000.

Another important question is, “What are some of the most common complications that occur?”. Every surgery has complications this is part of practicing medicine. The most important aspect of this is how they handle it and how quickly a surgeon responds to these. One of the most common is probably infection and this is rare, the literature state about 3% of all patients will experience this.

Additional question could include, “Why did you select this procedure?” There are numerous different bunion procedures and why we select a particular one is important. This is because they all have different correction abilities and time frames for healing. The majority of bunion procedures can be categorized as head or base procedures. Lastly, “What is my recovery time?”, be specific are you talking about back to exercising or just into a normal shoe.

I hope this was helpful, please feel free to schedule an appointment with me if you would like a consultation of second opinion. Give our office a call at 425-391-8666.

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