Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board-Certified Physician & Surgeon Discusses Bunion Pain

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board-Certified Physician & Surgeon Discusses Bunion Pain

Bunion xray

Bunions are a common presentation in my office.  I see at least one new bunion patient a day.  It is a common condition that can produce pain daily.  We know that many bunions are inherited and get larger with time.  They usually become painful as time goes on and the bunion spreads affecting the forefoot making activities uncomfortable. 

Bunions are a separation of the first metatarsal from the second metatarsal.  The first metatarsal begins to shift away from the other metatarsals or towards the other foot.  When this occurs the big toe then begins to deviate in a direction away from the arch or towards the second toe.  This is when things begin to change rapidly. If the first toe now slides under the second a crossover toe formation begins and the bunion changes in size rapidly.  This is when most people present to my office and need help with the pain. 

There are some conservative measures that are helpful for bunions including wider shoes and not going barefoot.  It is important to note that no conservative measures will change the size of the bunion.  I see all sorts of online appliances come into the office.  These include splints, strapping devices and other items that state they will fix a bunion.  But remember a bunion is from a bone moving out of alignment and this is impossible to correct on the outside of the foot. 

If you have bunion pain I can help, call to make an appointment with me at 425-391-8666 or fill out a form online


Dr Brandon Nelson

American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons

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