Dr. Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Physician and Surgeon, Discuss When To Consider Having Your Bunion Fixed

Dr. Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Physician and Surgeon, Discuss When To Consider Having Your Bunion Fixed

Bunion xray

The bunion deformity is an inherited foot structure issue.  Most people that develop a bunion have a family history of bunions.  They usually have a parent or grandparent that has a similar type of foot or foot problem.  The foot structure that predisposes one to a bunion can be inherited.  Usually this type of foot is more prone to flattening or pronating and this over time can result in a bunion. There are other factors that can accelerate the development of a bunion as well.

Wearing high heel shoes has been shown to put more pressure on the forefoot and therefore speed up the process of developing a bunion.  Additionally any exercise that puts increased force on the foot can technically speed up the growth of a bunion i.e. running, jumping or similar exercises.  The bunion develops as the body tries to stabilize the foot with these activities.

The bunion is a shifting of the 1st metatarsal bone to try and control abnormal flattening of the arch.  This is one of the first adaptations the body utilizes.  Patients often think there is a growth of bone at the site but technically it is the bone shifting out of place that occurs and creates the illusion of something growing.  This is why there are no conservative measures that can move the bone back into correct alignment and why surgery is the only long term fix.

Surgery for bunion surgeries has really changed in the last couple decades.  New techniques allow for a much faster recovery and healing times.  If you have a painful bunion or would just like a consultation on bunions in general I can help. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 

Sincerely,Dr Brandon Nelson

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