Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses The Lapiplasty, One Of The Most Advance Surgical Options To Fix Your Bunion

Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses The Lapiplasty, One Of The Most Advance Surgical Options To Fix Your Bunion

Bunion xray

Bunion surgery
is by far the most common surgery I perform. In an average year I fix approximately 100-200 bunions. I have been operating now for 15 years and that adds up to a lot of bunions. That is why I am excited about a new option for helping my patients with bunions. The Lapiplasty is a new option that helps correct bunions. The procedure itself has been around for greater than 50 years however this new instrumentation system allows for quicker healing times and smaller incisions. Please watch this video to see an introduction to the Lapiplasty.

The Lapidus technique to fix a bunion has proven to be one of the best options we have available for bunion surgery. We have been using this technique for years and it has proven to have excellent results and long term outcomes. The Lapiplasty technique is a modification to an existing procedure that improves patient recoveries. See this video for an explanation of the surgical technique.

If you are suffering from a bunion and are finally ready to have it fixed schedule and appointment today. Dr. Nelson has extensive experience with the Lapidus and can help you fix your bunion and get you back to the activities you love. Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.

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