Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses the Best Bunion Surgery Options

Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses the Best Bunion Surgery Options


Bunions can be quite painful and difficult to manage. Most patients experience pain along with the bunion itself. However quite a few patients can have foot pains in other locations secondary to the bunion. We see a lot of patients that have strapping, bracing and using shoe gear accommodations all to no avail. These are hard modalities to maintain and do not do anything to correct the bunion deformity. The only long-term solution to fix of bunion is surgical. However there are some other options that can alleviate the pain and slow the progression of the deformity.

The surgical procedures available for bunion correction usually can be characterized as a head or base procedures. Head procedures are done at the metatarsal head or towards the toes. Base procedures are done at the base of the metatarsal towards the metatarsal cuneiform joint. The type of procedure that is best for the bunion itself is correlated with a radiographic examination and physical examination foot, the other factors to consider are lifestyles and age of the patient. I recommend anybody evaluating bunion surgery to make an appointment to be evaluated and make sure you have the best possible outcome.
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