Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses Plantar Fasciitis, Arch Pain and Heel Pain Essential Considerations for Treatment

Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses Plantar Fasciitis, Arch Pain and Heel Pain Essential Considerations for Treatment

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Most foot and ankle physicians, podiatrist and sports medicine doctors like me will see a considerable amount of heel pain and heel spurs during their career. The majority of this heel pain will be caused by plantar fasciitis and present with multiple symptoms including burning, stabbing and throbbing of the heel. However, it is important to rule out other causes of heel pain including nerve entrapments, stress fractures and bursitis. It is essential to see a physician to get the correct diagnosis before implementing treatment plans.

Often times patients spend a considerable amount of time on the Internet to implement treatment in this can be detrimental to their long-term well-being in healing of the pathology. I recommend seeing your foot and ankle physician, podiatrist in order to get a correct diagnosis. The patient workup often includes physical examination and x-rays and a detailed history. Patients with complicated heel pain may benefit from more advanced studies like an MRI or EMGs NCV’s. If you’re suffering from heel pain, heel spurs or plantar fasciitis we would like to help you be pain free.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
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