Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board-Certified Physician & Surgeon Discusses Tips To Get Ready For Bunion Surgery

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board-Certified Physician & Surgeon Discusses Tips To Get Ready For Bunion Surgery


Bunion surgery is the most common surgical procedure I perform at my ambulatory surgery center.  I have a few tips I would like to share that can make things much easier.

Get ready a week before surgery.  Start thinking about where you will set up.  I always recommend being a couch potato for about a week.  This home base spot should be conveniently located.  This spot should be downstairs and near a restroom.  Make sure you have access to anything that might pass the time, a computer, tv, etc. 

Meals are another thing to think about.  I like to advise my patients to make a weeks’ worth of food.  You can freeze them or refrigerate them but not having to cook can be a game changer.  This can really help you focus on your recovery, and nobody wants to cook with a sore foot.

Supplements are another thing to consider.  I think talking to your surgeon about this one is important.  Calcium or some sort of bone healing supplement if you are having bone work done.  Collagen and zinc can help wound healing.  Once the wound closes, start topical scar care.

The bathroom situation can need some thought as well.  How will you shower or use the toilet?  I always if you are going to be non-weight bearing to have a trial run of both.  It can be difficult executing these tasks with one foot.  Options for these include a shower chair or stool and for the toilet they make elevated seats that are helpful.

Medications are the last thing I will touch on.  Get these before the day of your procedure.  Think about making a log or schedule so you can track what and when you take them.  Make sure you understand what each is and that you have no interactions with other medications you are taking. 

If you would like a consultation on your bunion, I can help.  Call to make an appointment with me at 425-391-8666 or schedule an appointment online. 


Dr Brandon Nelson

American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons

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