Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Physician, Discusses Morning Heel Pain

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Physician, Discusses Morning Heel Pain

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Moring heel pain
is extremely painful and can cause quite a disruption to your daily routine. It is not only uncomfortable but also can become emotional upsetting to start one’s day with pain. It is estimated that about 60-70% of adults will experience this at some point in their life and it can last months without treatment.

The pain is one’s heel is usually related to inflammation of your plantar fascia. Your plantar fascia provides structural support to your foot and is activated when you walk. It runs the entire length of your foot and starts at your heel and continues to your toes.

Treatment of morning pain usually starts with stretching and icing. I recommend using a theraband or a belt to stretch before you get out of bed. Massage is another option and icing can provide help with the inflammation. It is important to consult a physician before beginning your treatment as not all heel pain is plantar fasciitis.

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