What is Arch Pain?

Friday, 09 June 2017 15:25

What is Arch Pain?

Arch pain is the term that's used to describe pain under the arch of the foot. Arch pain is commonly caused by plantar fasciitis and is a very common condition. When you experience arch pain, it's usually indicative of inflammation of the tissues within the midfoot. Here at Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists, we've treated many patients with arch pain using simple treatment solutions. We've found that patients respond well to anti-inflammatory medications and stretch exercises. However, we also strongly recommend prescription orthotics, as they are effective treatments for arch pain. 

If left untreated, arch pain can lead to the development of heel spurs, which is a bony protrusion at the heel area. If you are experiencing arch pain, which typically occurs in the morning, do not hesitate to give us a call at 425-391-8666 or contact us online for an appointment. 


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