Conservative Care / Nonsurgical Management of the Bunion

Monday, 29 June 2015 08:59

Conservative Care / Nonsurgical Management of the Bunion

Patients often wonder what can be done non-surgically to help the bunion deformity. The best recommendation for non-surgical treatment includes wider shoes, good stretching, and not going barefoot. An important thing to remember about nonsurgical treatment as this will not change the width of your feet. However, sometimes it can help alleviate pain or slow down deformity. Another important part of this treatment plan, the most important, is a prescription orthotic. This is completely different from an over the counter insert. It can be easily made by a physician who specializes in conservative care for bunion treatments. We are happy to help patients with both conservative and surgical care of bunions; if you need to make an appointment, please call 425-391-8666.
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