bunion doctor seattle

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Bunion surgery can be a complex surgery. It depends on the nature of the bunion deformity and the overall foot structure. There are many factors that go into bunion deformity correction. Complicating factors can include overall flatfoot for high arch foot or lesser digital deformities including hammertoes. However some bunions are straightforward and are easily corrected. It is important to see a foot and ankle specialist that does or has done a large number of bunion deformities.

I also recommend trying to find a physician that has a surgery center as this is a huge cost-savings and time-savings for the patient. The majority of bunion procedures can be divided into head procedure or base procedure. The larger bunion deformities require base procedure and a smaller bunion deformity can be corrected with a head procedure. I also recommend patients make a list of questions regarding their foot in the overall correction recovery process. It is very important that patients choose a physician that they are comfortable with. I currently have been practicing for about 15 years and have fixed too many bunions count. If you have a bunion deformity and are contemplating getting it corrected nursing once available for conservative measures give us call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.

Bunions or even tailor's bunions can be extremely painful and difficult to find fitted shoe gear. There is a definite genetic component to the development of bunions themselves. In addition we see certain shoe gear or activities can increase can increase the size of bunions. Anything that puts increased forefoot pressure creates increased force to the bunions themselves. I often times will recommend a course of conservative care for people that have not tried these options for their bunions.

At our clinic, we created a special protocol for bunion patients and have extremely successful options for conservative bunion care. There are many great stretching and strengthening exercises for the foot structure. In addition there is a plethora of options including prescription orthotics that our clinic specializes in to control the development of the bunion. In addition we have many different options for bunions that are starting to produce pain and arthritic deformities of the foot. Our clinic takes the latest scientific research in conjunction with years of experience to maximize the outcome of conservative bunion options. If you continue to suffer from bunion pain and wanted to explore conservative options, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or schedule an appointment online.
woman running

Some patients begin to notice a bump that is developing on the inside of their foot. They start to get pain with walking and exercise and they wonder what is happening. Often a patient will visit the shoe store or seek advice from nonmedical personnel as to what it is. It is important when been dealing with medical issues to seek the advice of someone who has had years of training and experience in that particular field. Your foot and ankle health is essential for long-term well-being of your overall general health. Bunions are the most common cause of pain and irritation around the big toe joint. The bunion is a bony deformity that often appears as a protuberance around the joint.

The majority of bunion deformities are an inherited foot structure. Patients can often trace to other relatives that have similar foot conditions. The pathology itself continues to progress with time and there is no conservative measures that reduce or correct the deformity. It is important to understand that conservative measures can sometimes help alleviate pain and increase overall functional performance. However, the bunion can only be fixed surgically. The surgical procedures depend on the patient’s overall foot structure, degree of deformity and activity levels. All bunion deformities that require surgical correction are done in the office and no longer require any hospitalization. All bunion procedures that we perform at Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists allow patients to be weight bearing and do not require prolonged periods using crutches or knee scooters. If you have a bunion deformity and would like to have it evaluated for either conservative or surgical measures please give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
Thursday, 28 May 2020 22:53

Dr. Timothy Young Talks About Bunion Anatomy

Bunion xray

Most bunion problems involve an alignment issue with the underlying bones. The first metatarsal and the great toe become out of typical alignment. The joint itself become subluxed and is then prone to arthritis and adaptive changes.

Bunions can develop an early age. This is called juvenile onset. This involves the first metatarsal shifting away from the adjacent second metatarsal and the foot becomes wider.  In some cases this involves a splayfoot. Also there is more risk of bunion formation when there is underlying metatarsus adductus.  This is a genetic inherited foot structure.  It is common to see other family members that have a bunion. Often times you can look to let say your mother or grandmother and find that they also have a bunion, because of this genetic pattern.

Tight shoes can speed the process up and make things worse!  However, in general, you are born with a foot type that is prone to a bunion. 

If you have concerns about a bunion, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online! 

Dr. Timothy Young and Dr. Brandon Nelson.

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Treating bunions without surgery can be fairly challenging for patients that currently have pain or difficulty fitting shoe gear. Bunions or bone deformity can be inherited from your mom or dad. It is not uncommon for bunions to begin early in adolescence and continuing to develop into adulthood. Patients are often interested in conservative measures that are available to help with bunion pain. It is important to note that there are no conservative measures that are going to fix your bunion deformity.

Quite a few patients come in with all sorts of strapping devices and splinting devices from the Internet. None of these tools fixture bunion or change the shape of your bunion as this deformity is a malalignment of a joint and bone. However, it should be noted that we have many options for people that are having bunion pain and do not want to have surgery performed. The most important issues to address are the mechanical instability and the joint pain. Often times stabilize the foot structure can significantly helped slow the deformity and reduce the pain. There are many options for the arthritic joint that can provide long-term relief. In office evaluation and x-ray are central to recognizing what type of bunion is developing how to best rectify the pain. At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists we have seen thousands of bunions and have many different options available to save the patient’s lifestyle. Please give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online if you have bunion pain. 
Sunday, 05 April 2020 16:27



Lapiplasty refers to a type of jig or guide that is used to preform bunion surgery. Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists has been executing the Lapidus bunion procedure for greater than 20 years. We have extensive experience with bunions and bunion surgery. We make all our recommendations of bunion surgeries based on our years of experience and thousands of procedures that we have performed. The Lapiplasty is the #1 bunion product in the US right now and helps to guide the surgeon in the correct cut, compression and fixation. The technique involves the surgeon:

1. Make the correction of the bunion before they cut

2. Preform precision cuts

3. Achieve controlled compression of joint surfaces

4. Apply multiplanar fixation for robust stability

The idea with the use of this system is to get reproducible results and the best possible outcomes for patients. If you have a bunion and are interested in getting the best possible results, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or schedule an appointment with us to see if you are a candidate for the Lapiplasty.

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