Promising New Treatment for Achilles Tendinitis

Promising New Treatment for Achilles Tendinitis

achilles tendonitis pain

Achilles tendinitis can be a very frustrating condition for both the patient and the physician alike. We see quite a few patients of Achilles tendinitis on a daily basis. We continue to see common Achilles tendon modalities not being effective for all patients. This can cause significant amount of pain and continued morbidity for patients. Often physical therapy and stretching and bracing does not alleviate the Achilles tendinitis and patients are looking for improvement outcomes and quicker return to activity. carpet cleaning seattle

Physical therapy continues to often be a mainstay for many physicians treating Achilles tendinitis. Over the years we have worked hard to develop advance protocol to alleviate even the most chronic cases of Achilles tendinitis. We have found promising new injection therapy combined with shockwave therapy of the Achilles tendon to be most successful. We have seen patients that have had numerous other treating physicians and physical therapist that have not improved get significantly better with this treatment protocol. Don't continue to struggle with Achilles tendinitis, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment today and will help you get back on your feet.
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