Minimally Invasive Plantar Fasciotomy

Minimally Invasive Plantar Fasciotomy

Minimally invasive plantar fasciotomy can be advantageous in comparison to open surgeries, due to the fact it creates a smaller incision and may lead to quicker healing times. We have perfected this technique and have had high success rates. This minimally invasive procedure is similar to an endoscopic plantar fasciotomy, topaz plantar fasciotomy, or release with plantar fascial blade. 

What and where is the plantar fascia?

The plantar fascia is the main supporting beam of the foot. It helps control and support the arch. Its job is to hold the foot up and keep your arch from collapsing.

What is the purpose of a minimally invasive plantar fasciotomy?

The purpose is to help eliminate pain and remove the pressure or tension on the fascia. A smaller incision can mean quicker healing times.

What are the indications for a plantar fasciotomy?

At the Washington Heel Pain Center, we always exhaust conservative measures first. We have such a high rate of conservative care that often surgery is not needed. But, some patients will not improve despite non-surgical measures and will need surgery.   

Procedure Details

A minimally invasive plantar fasciotomy involves making a very small incision near the heel and releasing the plantar fascia. This can be done under direct visualization using a camera or a special retractor to hold the site open. The procedure is fast and works well for people with chronic fasciitis. 

Post-procedure details

The post-operative period can vary depending on the procedure and any other procedures that need to be performed. Pain is usually well controlled with medications and ice. 

Potential complications

Any surgical procedure can have risks and complications. Most commonly this includes infections or scarring. It is best to review this with one of the doctors at Washington Heel Pain Center. 

Procedure Questions:

• Will I have pain after surgery? Yes. However, it is usually well controlled with medications.

• When can I walk? This all depends on which procedure is performed and what adjunctive procedures are included.

• Does insurance usually cover this procedure? Yes, however we will always help you check benefits. The best part is the Washington Heel Pain Center has an on-site surgery center that is a huge cost savings as compared to other surgery centers or the hospital. 

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