Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses Head Procedures for Bunionectomies (Austin bunionectomy)

Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses Head Procedures for Bunionectomies (Austin bunionectomy)

Bunion xray

There are many different types of bunion surgeries that can be performed. However the majority of bunion procedures are classified as either a head procedure or base procedure. Head procedures are all performed distally or at the tip of the first metatarsal. Procedures that are called base procedures are performed at the base of the metatarsal or at the metatarsal cuneiform joint. There are many different names for head procedures. However all of them involve some sort of cut in the bone or osteotomy. The osteotomy can be performed in many different fashions, however one of the most stable procedures is called an Austin or Chevron cut.

This cut performed exactly is prescribed in a Chevron type fashion. The bone is then shifted towards the second metatarsal reducing the large bunion. Often times screw fixation is performed and some additional shaving for burring of the bony prominence this time. There are many modifications you can perform to this type of bunionectomy that can help correct other pathologies of the first metatarsal as well. I recommend seeing somebody who performs a lot of bunionectomies as often times these procedures can be more complex than appreciated. If you have a bunion and are interested in surgical correction we are happy to help you schedule a consultation today. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
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