Treating Plantar Fasciitis, Sometimes It's About Commitment

Thursday, 12 January 2012 15:29

Treating Plantar Fasciitis, Sometimes It's About Commitment

Effectively Treating Plantar Fasciitis...

Sometimes it's about commitment.

I run into some of our clinic patients who have had plantar fasciitis for some time. I treat them to address both the inflammatory and mechanical aspects of their plantar fasciitis. This often includes prescription orthotics, home stretching, and special braces for day and night depending upon the circumstances. In addition we have them do stretching, wearing supportive shoes at home instead of being barefoot. Also, if their plantar fasciitis is quite pronounced we sometimes will do an ultrasound guided cortisone injection or PRP injection. It is very rare that our patients do not show remarkable improvement when we do the right combination of treatments for their case of plantar fasciitis. However it is surprising when some patient's come into the office and they are surprised that they are not improving. After I review the recommendations that have been made since the last visit I find that very often they have not followed up with my recommendations. For example if I recommended a certain shoe or activity or referral to physical therapy sometimes it's like "oh I haven't gotten around to that yet". Or they have been in severe pain and have seen multiple doctors and finally come in to see us. We make certain that the orthotics are perfect and that all the mechanical aspects of treatment are in place.

If additional treatments are recommended we discuss and recommend a PRP (growth factor) ultrasound guided injection and often patients for whatever reason do not schedule this treatment. After additional follow-up their surprised if their plantar fasciitis is still not getting better. So sometimes it is simple aspects of treatment that have to be part of the patient's commitment themselves to address. We do our best to make recommendations on the best possible course of treatment for our patients. We tailor specific treatment plans to each patient with plantar fasciitis and there are often many elements involved in the effective treatment of plantar fasciitis. Consistent use of prescription orthotics, stretching, splints and office procedures are used in conjunction for many patients and are used to successfully treat plantar fasciitis.

But again it is surprising when some patient's are still not getting better but also have not done their part. One of the most surprising home treatments that some patients don't do is to get a good supportive sandal to wear as a "house shoe". Patients are surprised when walking barefoot or standing barefoot all day long on ceramic tile or hardwood floors and their heel pain is not getting better!

The road to recovery from plantar fasciitis and the prevention of future bouts with this condition will require some modifications to footwear or a patient’s lifestyle. However, with our successful plantar fasciitis treatment protocols patients experience quick relief and successful prevention if the treatment plans are followed.


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