Dr. Timothy Young, A Board Certified Bunion Surgery Expert Talks About Avoiding Post-op Infections

Dr. Timothy Young, A Board Certified Bunion Surgery Expert Talks About Avoiding Post-op Infections


Complications from foot surgery are not common and many of them can be avoided with careful planning and following your doctor’s recommendations. Keeping your foot dry after surgery and until after your sutures are removed is recommended. During the first few days after surgery the incision site will still create a pathway for bacteria to get into the deeper tissue layers.

Sutures also penetrate a deeper layer and if they get wet or are contaminated they could create a direct pathway for bacteria to travel deep and cause an infection. We do not recommend allowing the incision site to get wet with bathing until after sutures are removed. Use a special cast protector for bathing and make sure that it is on correctly. A garbage bag with rubber bands may leak and fill with water-not good! Follow your doctor’s advice on wound care. At our clinic, after surgery we change our patient's dressings at our clinic to make sure it is done using sterile technique, for example a postop infection is certainly going to be more of a risk if you have an open wound or one that still has sutures and you get your foot wet such as bathing.

If you have questions about bunion surgery, and would like a consultation please let us know.

Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 

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