Dr Timothy Young Discusses Bunion Surgeries 

Dr Timothy Young Discusses Bunion Surgeries 

Bunion xray

Dr Timothy Young Discusses Bunion Surgeries in Detail, Part 1

Bunion surgery is a common procedure performed by Dr Timothy Young and other Foot Surgeons to correct 
a bunion deformity. A bunion is usually combination of the first metatarsal being out of alignment and bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. This can cause pain and discomfort when walking or wearing shoes. The bunion correction surgery itself usually takes 1-2 hours. The surgeon’s preparation for bunion surgery requires planning ahead and, requires attention to detail. In this blog, we will go over the steps that Dr. Young and other foot surgeons take to prepare for the best bunion treatment and the best bunion surgery

Patient Evaluation 

Before any bunion surgery, Dr. Young will evaluate the patient's medical history, medications, and overall health to make sure that our patients are good surgical candidates. Dr. Young will also examine the patient's foot to determine the severity of the bunion, the extent of the deformity, and the type of bunion surgery that would be most appropriate. For example, some patients have a severe bunion deformity and require a Lapidus or Lapiplasty procedure. Some patients have extreme adaptation of the great toe joint and require a procedure that realigns the joint. Some bunions are mild and yet the joint is not flexible and for this, decompressing the joint is an effective treatment. These evaluations come from both physically examining the foot, and imaging evaluation.

Imaging Tests 

The surgeon will typically order imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans to get a better understanding of the bunion’s structure and position. This information will help the surgeon plan the surgery and determine the best approach to correcting the deformity. Dr. Young uses digital x-rays which allow for precise measurements and preoperative planning that can be done right on the computer. 

Anesthesia Planning 

Dr. Young will discuss the anesthesia options before surgery. Dr. Young often utilizes local anesthetic combined with MAC anesthesia (monitored anesthesia with conscious sedation). Other options include general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, or local anesthesia. The type of anesthesia can be discussed prior to surgery and will depend upon the patient's medical history and the type of foot surgery and the extent of bunion surgery. With MAC anesthesia combined with local anesthetic, the patient is still conscious and breathing on their own (not intubated). This is more like a twilight sleep and the patient's recovery extremely fast, and we can avoid the typical side effects that can be encountered with the general anesthetic.

The preoperative visit: 

Dr. Young's patients come in the week prior to surgery to help them prepare for surgery. We will discuss details of the surgery itself and how to care for the foot after bunion surgery and if crutches or a special boot will be required. Also, the patient's medical history and medications are reviewed. Some medications will be avoided prior to surgery. Usually, the patient will be required to fast prior to surgery and need to make driving arrangements after the procedure. Our patients are given a special antibacterial scrub to do at home prior to surgery.  

If you are experiencing foor or ankle pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 

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