Dr. Timothy Young, a Board Certified Foot Surgeon, Discusses My Top 5 Reasons Why I Recommend the Lapiplasty Bunion Repair

Dr. Timothy Young, a Board Certified Foot Surgeon, Discusses My Top 5 Reasons Why I Recommend the Lapiplasty Bunion Repair


Dr. Timothy Young, a Board Certified Foot Surgeon, Discusses My Top 5 Reasons Why I Recommend the Lapiplasty Bunion Repair


Bunions can be painful and disruptive, affecting the quality of life for many individuals. Traditional bunion surgery, also known as a bunionectomy, has been the standard approach for decades. However, in recent years, a groundbreaking surgical technique called Lapiplasty has emerged as a game-changer in the field of bunion repair. Surgeons worldwide are increasingly recommending Lapiplasty for several compelling reasons. In this blog, I will review the top 5 reasons why I recommend the Lapiplasty Procedure for bunion surgery.

1. Superior Three-Dimensional Correction

One of the most remarkable aspects of Lapiplasty is its ability to correct bunions in three dimensions, addressing the root cause of the deformity. Traditional bunion surgery often focuses on the visible bony bump, leaving the underlying bone misalignment uncorrected. Lapiplasty, on the other hand, repositions the metatarsal bone, restoring its proper alignment in all three planes—sagittal, transverse, and frontal. This three-dimensional correction not only provides better cosmetic results but also reduces the risk of bunion recurrence, making it a preferred choice among surgeons.

2. Faster Recovery and Reduced Downtime

Lapiplasty's minimally invasive approach and stable fixation results in faster recovery times for patients. Unlike traditional bunion surgery, which often requires patients to remain off their feet for an extended period, Lapiplasty allows patients to bear weight on their feet and start walking within days. This accelerated recovery can significantly improve a patient's overall experience and quality of life during the healing process.

3. Long-Lasting Results

Surgeons recommend Lapiplasty due to its track record of providing more durable and longer-lasting results. Traditional bunion surgery may offer temporary relief, but recurrence rates can be high. The Lapiplasty's comprehensive correction of the deformity decreases the likelihood of bunions returning, allowing patients to enjoy a more permanent solution to their foot pain.

4. Stable Fixation

The Lapiplasty utilizes very stable plates. These allow earlier weightbearing and return to activities. This fixation helps to promote optimal bone healing and long term stability. Surgeons who recommend Lapiplasty often highlight the fixation benefits of this innovative technique, which can boost patients' confidence and satisfaction with their results.

5. Evidence-Based Success

Surgeons have confidence in recommending Lapiplasty due to the strong evidence supporting its success. Numerous clinical studies and real-world cases have demonstrated the effectiveness of this procedure in addressing bunions, relieving pain, and improving patient outcomes. These data-driven results reassure both surgeons and patients that Lapiplasty is a reliable and proven treatment option.


Lapiplasty has revolutionized the field of bunion repair with its three-dimensional correction, quicker recovery times, long-lasting results, stable fixation, and evidence-based success. Surgeons worldwide recommend Lapiplasty as a superior alternative to traditional bunion surgery for patients seeking a more comprehensive and permanent solution to their foot pain. If you're considering bunion repair, please contact my office so I can evaluate your specific needs and discuss the benefits of Lapiplasty as a potential solution to your bunion woes.

If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 
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