Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board-Certified Physician & Surgeon Discusses How the Lapiplasty Bunionectomy Works

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board-Certified Physician & Surgeon Discusses How the Lapiplasty Bunionectomy Works

Bunion xray

A bunion is a common foot condition I see at my clinic.  It is amazing the different sizes and shapes of bunions I have seen during my career.  There are a couple of things I have noted during this time.  One is that the bunion gets bigger.  It does not grow but the bone continues to move out of alignment.  Secondly it is easier to fix earlier in the process especially when the other toes are not involved.  Lastly, the most important aspect is proper procedure selection.  This leads me to my discussion today.  The Lapiplasty has really revolutionized bunion surgery.

I was listening to a lecture today and they were discussing the fact that there are over 150 different types of bunion surgery.  Most of these techniques are no longer utilized.  But this is important because it illustrates how difficult it can be to get long term corrections.  This is why I am a fan of the Lapiplasty procedure.  The Lapiplasty corrects the bunion at its apex.  It helps to realign the bone in all 3 cardinals planes that the body moves in.  It has helped surgeons to provide the best correction for the patient and speed recovery.  I find this procedure has incredible outcomes and my patients are happy with their results. 

If you are suffering from a bunion I can help.  I have seen how painful and debilitating these can be.  Make an appointment online or give us a call at 425-391-8666


Dr Brandon Nelson

American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons

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