Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Physician & Surgeon, Discusses Finally Getting Your Bunion Fixed!

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Physician & Surgeon, Discusses Finally Getting Your Bunion Fixed!

Bunion xray

In the average week I see quite a few patients that are ready to finally have their bunion fixed.   The large majority of patients I have seen for years and their bunions are becoming bigger and more painful.  They are having a hard time fitting in shoes and going about daily activities.  The decision to fix their bunion is an exciting one and today's repairs of a bunion are much easier than in the past.

Fixing your bunion is a big decision and it can be overwhelming sometimes.  I really enjoy helping my patients through this process and eliminating the concern and apprehension around surgical correction.  Surgery for bunions has really come a long way and new techniques have created an almost foolproof approach.

The newest technique that I am really excited about is the Lapiplasty.  This is a great procedure that is reliable and has great long term results.  The Lapiplasty is excellent for patients that even have large bunions.  This procedure can be done in my office at our on-site surgery center.  This can provide huge time and cost savings. 

Do you have a bunion and have you always thought about fixing it?   Give me a call and I can help.  I look forward to fixing your bunion!!!! Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 


Dr Brandon Nelson

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