Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Physician & Surgeon, Discuss Heel Pain

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board Certified Physician & Surgeon, Discuss Heel Pain


Heel pain
can usually be broken down into a few main causes.  The first and most common is plantar fasciitis.  This is usually pain right at the bottom of the heel bone towards the inside arch.  The second most common cause is Achilles tendonitis.  This pain is more found towards the back of the heel.  Lastly there is a condition called Baxter’s neuritis that can cause burning in the foot.  This pain is usually on the inside of the foot.

Plantar fasciitis is by far the most common cause of heel pain.  It is typically seen in adults between the ages of 40-60.  Typical symptoms are pain in the morning or pain after rest.  It is often an overuse type injury.  Plantar fasciitis can usually be treated successfully and the protocol I use keeps people exercising for the duration of treatment. 

Achilles tendonitis usually presents with swelling near its insertion towards the back of the heel.  Sometimes a catching or popping can be felt.  This is also another pathology associated with overuse.  I cannot stress enough that this should be evaluated immediately.

Baxter’s neuritis is a little trickier.  This condition usually presents as a burning in the heel but can mimic plantar fasciitis.  I usually see this in conjunction with plantar fasciitis.  This pathology usually requires special testing to identify.

If you have heel pain I can help.  I think this is some of the most frustrating injuries to deal with especially for the people that are training.  If you are experiencing heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today


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